Signs Of Nutritional Deficiencies Your Body Is Warning You About

The human body is a highly functional machine. It communicates nutritional deficiencies that may lead to impending health dangers. Sadly, many people ignore the telling signs. A typical American diet is low in vitamins and minerals that the body needs to function effectively. Overall, 10% of Americans need to up their nutrient consumption. That’s according to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Continued body signs for improvement in nutritional intake can lead to severe health conditions over an extended period. Here are 3 of the common symptoms of inadequate intake of vitamins and minerals.

Mouth Ulcer

One of the first signs of poor eating habits on lack of vitamins or minerals is a lesion around or inside the mouth. Mouth Ulcers or canker sores show your nutrition is deficient in iron, vitamin B12, Vitamin B2, and Vitamin B6. According to a study, a quarter of people suffering from cracks in their mouth lack the minimum required amount of the listed vitamins in their bodies. It is also a telltale sign your body is dehydrated or overly dependent on salivation. The fix will be consuming the right amount of food rich in vitamin B, such as fish, meat, legumes, seeds, dark leafy greens, and whole grains. With the proper diet, mouth Ulcer goes away on its own. If you live around Chicago, visit a Naperville dentist for a quick fix and other dental issues.

Brittle hair and nails

If you notice that your hair and nails are brittle, then you might be suffering from a lack of biotin. Also called vitamin B7, biotin plays a vital role in helping the body convert food into energy. Cases of biotin deficiency are rare, but for people who suffer from it, the most common symptoms include brittle and splitting hair and nails. In some cases, symptoms can also include muscle pain, cramps, and chronic fatigue.

Pregnant women, drinkers, and heavy smokers are at the highest risk of developing biotin deficiency. Studies also show that extended use of antibiotics and anti-seizure medications places you at a higher risk. A diet rich in raw egg whites may also be to blame because they contain avidin, which binds to biotin and makes it more difficult for the body to absorb it.

Loss of hair

Genetics contributes significantly to hair loss in many people. If you have family members who lost their hair during their lifetime, especially at a young age, the chances are good that you will experience the same. Away from heredity, lack of essential vitamins and minerals can manifest in hair loss. Lack of Zinc is the first suspect as the mineral plays a significant role in cell division and protein synthesis, essential for hair growth. Absence or low intake of Iron, Vitamin B7, and vitamin B3 can result in low hair growth or hair fallout. You may need to add a good portion of food containing these vitamins and minerals to prevent that or improve your hair health. Try to add an ounce of raw cashews to your daily diet. A 1-ounce serving contains 15% of the Zinc’s DV

Poor night vision

Vitamin A, known as all-trans-retinol, has a reputation for improving night vision. Vitamin A does a whole lot of good to the photopigment in the retina. Continually consuming diets that lack this vitamin can lead to night blindness. If the condition is left unattended, it could lead to xerophthalmia, which has a bad reputation for damaging the cornea, resulting in complete blindness. Deficiency of vitamin A also leads to white growth (Bitot’s spots) in your eyes. Vitamin A rich food that can help with conditions are yellow-orange vegetables, eggs, fish, leafy greens, and organ meats.

Dandruff and scaly patches

Dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis belong to the same group of skin disorders affecting the parts of the body that produce oil. Both of these disorders involve the development of itchy and flaking skin. While dandruff is most commonly evident in the scalp, seborrheic dermatitis manifests on the face, armpits, upper chest, and groin. Studies show that these skin disorders are most common among infants under 3 months old, teenagers hitting their puberty years, and early adults.

It’s worth noting that these skin disorders are extremely prevalent. 50% of adults and 42% of infants develop dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis at some point in their life. The most common risk factors include poor nutrition and deficiencies in zinc, niacin, riboflavin, and pyridoxine. For this reason, medical experts recommend a diet rich in the aforementioned vitamins, including whole grains, meat, fish, dairy, legumes, and green vegetables.


 Many people believe they can make up for deficient nutrients with multivitamins or supplements. Those cannot replace a wholesome, healthy diet. As recommended by the United States’ official dietary guidelines, eating food rich in nutrients is the best bet for staying healthy.