How to Deal with Negative Thoughts

Happiness is a choice, and the opposite of it is our own doing. Negative thoughts are the leading cause of unhappiness when we give too much audience to the forces outside as opposed to focusing on our inside. Positive attitude and shifts in our perception are what brings about the transformation we desire in life.

Millions of people worldwide are trapped in the captivity of negativity, and that may lead to antisocial behaviors and deadly resolutions, including murder and suicide. In this article, we delve into five effective ways of dealing with negative thinking.

#1. How authentic are your thoughts?

As humans, we are subject to all sorts of interpretations, some of which are right, while other arguments may be far-fetched. It is essential to stop and think before making some conclusions. Your understanding of events happening around you may hold you back from discovering the truth. Seek to look at different sides of the coin before making deductions. That way, you’ll be opening your mind to different perspectives, and that includes seeing the bright side of life.

#2. How permanent is the situation?

It is pretty normal to be embroiled in an unforgiving situation, but then again, ask yourself how long the situation is likely to last. No emotional status is permanent, and you may realize that whatever is making you angry is something you’re less likely to remember in 2 or three years. The best way to get out of it is by putting things into perspective so you can start focusing on more productive thoughts. If you are parent always disturbed by your kid’s online behavior, get one of the best parental control apps, and relax.

#3. Judge yourself less

Judging yourself is inevitable. Deep down, you’re bound to feel some conviction regarding your actions or the events happening around you. That is acceptable, but you cannot let them abound. Be less judgmental to self, give yourself the benefit of the doubt, and do not allow negative emotions to take the place of your vibrant person. Treat it as the temporary situation it is and assure yourself that things are going to get better. Remember, you are not perfect, and you might be wrong in your thoughts.

#4. Focus on positives

It is energy-draining to keep focusing on negative thoughts. While it is practically impossible to alternate between negative and positive thoughts, aspire to concentrate on what is more helpful and uplifting to your spirits. Try focusing on the right things you’re made of, the good memories, happy times, and the person you’d love to be. Self-assurance is vital during this period. Keep telling yourself that things are going to be alright. If you are a prayerful person, pray.

#5. Self-Compassion is Key

Self-compassion means treating your inner self with the utmost kindness, gentleness, love, and understanding, minus self-pity. This is precisely the same way you would treat someone close to you or a loved one. Finding yourself consistently thinking negatively, especially about yourself, means you are a complete person. Take time to think about life in general; it doesn’t always go according to plan, but in the end, nature has a way of getting things in place.

#6. Get busy and talk

An idle mind is a ticking time-bomb. The more time you spend idle, the more you subject your mind to bouts of negativity. The higher percentage of your thoughts are mainly on trying to correct some wrongs, as opposed to focusing on fantasies. Get your body and mind fully engaged with mentally tasking activities; that way, you’ll have very little time for entertaining negativity. Similarly, engage in conversations with your colleagues at work, members of your family, and watch an inspiring movie or read a book when you can.

#7. Identify and face the source of your agony

Chances are, your negative thoughts may not have any basis at all, but if they do, then no one knows the reason for your negative thinking better than you do. Sometimes, we are faced with the challenge of facing our problems for fear of escalation. Word; escalation occurs when you don’t make any attempt to address the issue. Depending on the problem at hand, speak about it with the right person or persons, or seek professional counsel where necessary.

Bonus Point

All this while, avoid self-pity; it is the most significant barrier to finding your feet. Self-pity confines you to thinking about yourself and your predicaments. It never leaves space for self-evaluation, and hence, your troubles only get worse. Get out of your shell and face life head-on. If it makes you feel any better, people are going through worse.