How to Create the Right Environment to Improve your Quality of Sleep

Are you tired of tossing and constantly turning in your bed without sleep? Well, falling asleep might seem an easy task, but many people are experiencing challenges in falling asleep. Good sleeping habits will help enjoy a restful slumber, and researchers have identified a special link between the environment and the quality of sleep. Read more about the research on our website.

Just like regular diets and exercises, you will need a good night’s sleep to enjoy positive effects in your brain and body. Failure to sleep well can lead to rapid weight gain, increased risk of diseases and more. Many people fail don’t prioritize sleep, yet it determines our health, moods and even decisions.

So, how do you create the perfect environment to fall deep asleep in that slumber?

Tips for Creating the ideal Sleeping Environment

1.     Keep your Room organized and decluttered.

The first step towards improving your sleep quality is ensuring your room is tidy and distraction-free. This helps you relax; get rid of the artwork, documents and other items that can cause distractions by reminding you of your responsibilities. Setting the décor to a minimum and keeping the room decluttered can work wonders as you will have ample time to focus on your sleep.

2.     Reduce Blue Light Exposure

Though your body will benefit from daytime light exposure, it’s the opposite in the evening. The light affects the circadian rhythm since it tricks it to believe that it’s daytime. Therefore, the body will not produce melatonin hormones to enable you to relax and sleep.

Blue light is commonly emitted in excess by smartphones and laptops. It’s the worst form of light, and you can install apps for blocking the light or avoid watching TV at least 2 hours before you go to bed.

3.     Use Essential Oils

The smell is a strong factor in sleep since it’s associated with memories and emotions. Though many people don’t concentrate on the essential oils, they can help you relax and have a deep night sleep. They are a handy and cost-effective solution that helps deal with poor sleep and help you relax. The most popular essential oils are vanilla and lavender, and they will add an aroma to your room and improve your sleep.

These oils create an aroma that will help you relax and calm down. These are essential before sleeping, and with continued use, your brain will relate the scents to sleeping.

4.     Keep the Room Dark

To get quality sleep in your room, you will need to have artificial light mimics. Put off all lights 2 hours before you sleep and turn off the night-lights. Having heavy curtains in your home also helps you deal with the outside light. Don’t forget to also switch off your phone or flip the screen downwards to eliminate the light. All it takes for your phone to lighten up is an incoming text or push notification. Always eliminate the unwanted lights in your bedroom.

5.     Keep the Room Quiet

Noise is a common hindrance to sleep. It can be from the room, streets, hall, and it can make it harder for you to sleep. Though noise might not prevent you from sleeping, the inconsistency between silence and sound can make it harder to fall asleep.

But if you live in a place with excess noise, then buy a sound machine. These devices produce soothing sounds, which helps you to relax and have a good night rest. And if you love music, then try putting it on to enable you to fall asleep.

6.     Exercise at Daytime

If you have regular exercises during the day, then you will enjoy sleeping better at night. Exercising also helps you deal with insomnia and other sleeping disorders and improves your quality of sleep. As you increase the intensity of your exercises, you will enjoy more benefits.

But it may take time to realize the full benefits of exercising on your sleep. Exercising increases metabolism and body temperature. This gives you stability and a good mood to fall asleep.

7.     Buy a New Mattress

If you are increasingly finding challenges during your sleep, it’s time to determine your sleeping position as it affects your ideal choice of mattress. Whether you prefer memory foam, cooling, heating or natural fibre mattress, you should test them first.

Some mattresses can last for a decade, but you should replace them after 5-8 years. But if you’re unable to buy a new mattress, use a foam topper to improve the comfort in your bedroom.

8.     Find a Good Pillow

To ensure you maintain a proper spinal agreement, replace the pillow every 1-2 years. But if you are uncomfortable or normally experience headaches, shoulder pains, neck aches, and other issues, get a replacement immediately. Choose the softer pillows or the former ones while adhering to your sleeping position. A thin pillow is ideal for stomach sleepers, while back sleepers will do better with a medium pillow.

9.     Set a Sleeping Schedule

To ensure you maintain your sleep quality, you will need to set a daily sleeping schedule. This schedule can work to your advantage, and you can start with a fixed waking-up time. If you wake up at different times each day, then making your body adapt to the routine can be a daunting task. But with a fixed sleeping and wake-up time, you will get the recommended sleep. Other times, get in bed early for you to relax for enough time before you sleep.

10.  Avoid Taking Too Much Alcohol

Alcohol and other drugs can enhance drowsiness, and this is what many people love about the drug. However, it can negatively affect your sleep quality since it affects the brain in numerous ways. Therefore, avoid taking alcohol or other drugs before you sleep to ensure you have a good night’s rest.


Whether you usually take longer to sleep or wake up, our tips will come in handy to improve your sleep quality. Besides, sleep is essential for health and wellness in your body and affects your mood and energy. Therefore, ensure you have quality time to ensure you have a brighter day ahead.