Do I Have to Live with Spider Veins?

A reality for many women and men is seeing spider veins forming on their legs and other parts of their body. There are a number of causes of these unsightly yet superficial veins. You could have inherited the potential for developing them, or you may be overweight. The hormonal fluctuations experienced in puberty, pregnancy and menopause can also contribute toward developing them. Or you may have an occupation that has you sitting or standing for extended periods of time.

The good news is that you don’t have to live with the spider veins that may have you feeling self-conscious about the way that your legs look. There are several treatment options that can help to restore your confidence and leave your legs looking smooth and beautiful.

Understanding the differences between varicose and spider veins

It is important to note that there are some key differences between varicose and spider veins. They may be caused by some of the same contributing factors, but they are very different conditions.

Varicose veins are a much more serious condition, and should be treated using a different treatment protocol than what is used for the treatment of superficial spider veins. Quite often varicose veins can cause discomfort, including swelling, heaviness and sensations of burning in the legs.

According to the experience professionals at the Face & Body cosmetic clinic in Adelaide, spider veins have a smaller appearance than varicose veins and are almost always painless. They do not lead to swelling in the legs.

While an individual may have both spider and varicose veins, it’s important to keep in mind that spider veins do not typically turn into varicose veins. The treatment of superficial spider veins on their own is typically considered to be a cosmetic procedure.

Laser treatment overview for spider veins

Highly focused laser beams are used to treat spider veins. The heat from the laser will cause damage to the vein, which will in turn result in it losing the flow of blood that’s keeping it so visible. The vein will eventually disappear and be absorbed harmlessly by the body.

The treatment is considered to be painless, but some may feel a level of discomfort during the procedure. Typically speaking, most people will need more than one laser session in order to see the full results. 

After treatment expectations

The treatment of spider veins is minimally invasive. This means that you’ll be able to walk without issue after treatment. After this superficial treatment, you’ll be able to return to your regular daily routine without much issue.

Some do experience tenderness or a prickling sensation but these feelings generally pass within a day or two of treatment.

Can spider veins be prevented?

After your successful procedure you may be wondering what it will take to prevent further occurrences of spider veins. While some people are just that much more prone to developing them for genetic reasons, there are some steps that you can take in order to further protect your legs and face from these superficial veins appearing.

Losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is one of the best things that you can for your body. Not only will it be good for your overall vascular health to reduce the amount of pressure on your legs, but it will help you to feel better about moving more. An active and healthy lifestyle can help to stave off those spider veins for many people.

Elevate your legs when you are able to do so. Whether you have a desk job that keeps you sitting in one place for hours on end or you are a nurse who is constantly on the go, when you have the opportunity to put your feet up for a bit it can provide a bit of relief for your legs and your veins. This won’t wholly protect you against developing spider veins, but it will go a long way toward helping to keep your legs comfortable and healthy.

Compression stockings and socks are often recommended for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins. They can also offer a measure of relief for those who have suffered from spider veins. Many people avoid compression garments, but there are some great trendy options in colours and patterns so that they can be effortlessly integrated into your daily life.

Avoid crossing your legs when you are sitting. This can alter the circulation in your legs, which could in turn lead to the development of spider and varicose veins alike.

Many of us are simply more prone to developing both spider and varicose veins. There is no cure for this condition, but cosmetic treatments can help to minimise the appearance of the superficial spider veins. Women, particularly as they get older, are much more likely to develop complications with their veins. This is one of the reasons that adopting a healthy lifestyle is so important for people of all ages.