CBD Cat Treats: 5 Things You Must Know

The Cannabidiol industry is full of surprises, isn’t it? From the very moment this compound was discovered, manufacturers decided that they were going to use full advantage of it in order to provide people with highly valuable products that can be amazing for their health. And then, they decided to do the same for animals, so they kept surprising us with all kinds of products made for our pets’ consumption.

As can be seen on https://pethempcompany.com/products/cbd-cat-treats, those manufacturers have done quite a good job guessing what our pets would actually love to consume, so they decided to infuse those particular products with Cannabidiol. For example, while your cat might not be ready to eat lettuce, or a tomato, it will most definitely jump to the opportunity to eat a delicious salmon treat. And, since the treat will be infused with CBD, it will be amazing for your cat’s health.

If you are new to this whole topic of CBD products for cats and other pets, you might be confused about the whole idea and you are probably not ready to jump on board and buy the products before learning more about them. That’s the way responsible feline owners think. That’s also why I have decided to provide you with some information that you absolutely must know about CBD cat treats, so read on to learn more about them.

Made From Hemp

You might already know that CBD cat treats are made from a compound that is found in cannabis plants, but here’s an important fact for you. These are actually made of hemp, which is a cannabis plant that’s known for being non-psychoactive, as it contains no more than 0.3% of THC. This is certainly a significant piece of information, since it brings the whole topic of safety much closer to you.

To put it simply, hemp is perfectly safe for pets, and so is Cannabidiol. The substance that can harm them is THC and it is certainly not included in these products made for animals. So, you can rest assured that CBD treats are completely safe for your cats. I know that a lot of people are worried about this when they first hear of the whole idea of giving a cannabis based compound to animals, but there’s no need to worry at all. Go here to learn some things that you should know about these treats for cats.

Used As Supplements

I’m sure that you have heard a lot about all the great things that Cannabidiol can do for your pet’s health and about all the medical conditions that it is said to be able to treat, such as arthritis, epilepsy, anxiety and more. Yet, I’m not sure if you know that CBD treats are primarily used as supplements. You are now probably wondering what that means exactly. So, let me explain.

Basically, this means that people give CBD treats to their healthy cats as well. You don’t have to wait for your feline to start developing certain symptoms and illnesses in order to let it enjoy Cannabidiol. Healthy cats can get a lot of benefits from it too. It can boost their metabolism, regulate their appetite and their sleep and generally help them stay healthy and in good shape.

Still Have A Medical Purpose

My explanation above about how CBD treats are primarily used as supplements might have led you to a wrong conclusion. You might have started thinking that these products are actually used only as supplements and that they don’t have any actual medical purpose. That, however, couldn’t be further from the truth. Cannabidiol still has a lot of therapeutic benefits and its medical purpose certainly isn’t lost.

So, CBD treats can, in fact, treat a lot of medical problems. For starters, they can help ease the pain that your cat might be experiencing while going through certain health issues. In addition to that, these can treat inflammation, which comes quite in handy for arthritic felines and can significantly improve their quality of life. Of course, Cannabidiol can also alleviate anxiety and do many more great things for our little four-legged companions. All you have to do is learn how to use CBD treats for your cats properly.

No Severe Side Effects

As every single pet owner, you are probably concerned about the side effects that these products might cause. Surely, you don’t want to give your animals something that might do them more harm than good, which is why you should always research the topic of side effects before giving them any products whatsoever. Well, when CBD treats are in question, I have some good news. These are free of side effects.

Of course, this is correct for when you give your cat the right amount of these products, i.e. when you get the dosage right. If, however, you exaggerate a bit with the dosage, your cat might develop some unpleasant symptoms which will pass when the effects wear off. The best part is, even those side effects right then are rather mild, meaning that they won’t put your pet in danger. Those include drowsiness and occasional nausea.

Not Every Product Is The Same

The last thing you need to know about these is that not every product is created equally. This means that you should do your best to find the most amazing products out there. That starts with choosing the right brands, so you might want to focus on doing your research about those.