Kids & Teens

20 Fictional Sports/Games that Should have been in the Olympics

The Olympics only comes round once every four years for a two-week period and, every time, you hear people complaining of how it disrupts the television schedules and generally impacts on their regular calendar....

Moving Your Child Home, Not Their Home Home

A decade ago, most college graduates were able to find post-grad employment before they finished their last semester’s finals. This isn’t the case anymore. Today more and more college graduates are moving home after...

Kids Refuse to Wear Coats: How to Deal?

Kids hate coats and there are reasons for this. Believe, I have been there - caught up in an epic battle with my little girl about her coat while it was 30 degrees outside....

5 Scary Cartoons that Kids Should Not Watch

We all love cartoons, don’t we? Cartoons are really cute and every kid has his or her favorite cartoon character that they normally relate to because of some unique qualities that the kid likes...