75 Butterfly Nail Designs That Will Have You Soaring To The Salon

You don’t have to be obsessed with butterflies to fall in love with butterfly design nail art. Butterflies are always a good choice because they are super cute and they usually fit nicely on a nail. There are different ways to create a butterfly nail design. You can have a side view of a butterfly, you can have a full view of a butterfly or you can have multiple butterflies in one area. The best part about it is that you can have any color that your heart desires for these types of designs. If it’s summertime, brighter the better, or you can have a darker design for fall or winter. The sky’s the limit for what you can do with butterflies.
If you are looking to do the styles at home, we have some great tips and tutorials waiting for you. So grab your favorite color, let’s get working. You are sure to find a style that you will love above all others.

Check out these Butterfly Nail Designs That Will Have You Soaring To The Salon:

Pretty Colors

How could you not love these gorgeous butterfly designs? The butterflies themselves are obviously stenciled on. And then in the background, we have an ombre design. These dark and bright colors are truly striking.


Wing Design

This is a great example, of how you can have a butterfly design without the whole butterfly these nails are done with just the wings of the butterfly, which creates a really pretty look. If you want something out of the ordinary, then this is the color for you. The style is unique and that’s exactly what you want.

Sweeter Looks

This is a really simple look and one that would be easy to do at home. If you looking for a sweet but easy look to create, then you found the right one.

Bright Designs

With these nails, you can see that they just used the butterfly wings on the nails. By putting the nails together you can create a whole butterfly. It’s a fun look that you can start showing off as soon as possible. You can’t go wrong with bright colors as this style has, they are truly one of a kind.

Dots and Flowers

A great look like this combines dots, flowers and butterflies. Putting them all together gives you a style that is one of a kind. You will love these soft colors that give you everything that you want. Try it out for your next event and see where that takes you.

French Tip Styles

This is a soft style that you are sure to love. These shades are truly one of a kind. The French tip is stunning and they go so well with these butterflies. They are stunning and it’s a style that is wonderful for anyone.

How To Create A Butterfly Nail Design At Home

Not everyone has the time for the funds to go to a salon. If you want to save some money, you can do your nails at home. It’s a quick and simple way of getting a nice design for a fraction of the cost. Try a butterfly design at home and show the beautiful creation to everyone you know. We have so many wonderful styles that will bring you all the inspiration that you need.

If you are going to want a design filled with butterflies, try this out:

  1. Put on a base coat, the color of your choosing.
  2. Try out a French tip, they always work out (the choice is yours; you can have a butterfly design without a tip as well).
  3. Pick another color that you like and draw a thin curve for the body of the butterfly.
  4. Try another polish and draw two wings on that curve, one wing is on the top and the other on the bottom.
  5. This is when you want to add some detail to the wings. You have the choice to outline with another polish and then add some dots to the wings as well. Make the wings your own.
  6. Lastly, you want to apply a top coat to protect your style. But you want to make sure that your nails are completely dry before you add a topcoat.

It might be easier to ask a friend to help. Make it a girl’s night and paint each other’s nails so that you get the best look possible. We have plenty of inspiration in this article to have you painting in no time. The hardest part will be trying to figure out what color to chose. There are hundreds of colors and many different styles to try and you will have so much fun picking many different styles. The brightest colors are the best for butterflies.

Cute Styles

This is a cute style with some great colors.

Cool Looks

Elegant Styles

This is a more traditional look that you are sure to love.

Different Colors

These beautiful angel wings are gorgeous because they are all different shades.

Tips To Keeping Your Nails Healthy

Making sure your nails are as healthy as possible is important when it comes to the care of your nails. You want to be able to show off your gorgeous nails, so you want them to be as healthy as possible. You might think that aggressively cleaning them is the best way to keep them healthy but it could be a bad idea.

Taking care of your nails is really easy and it is not an expensive venture either. Cleaning your nails in an aggressive manner might put otherwise healthy nails at risk. It doesn’t mean that you have to get manicures all the time either. You can keep your nails looking nice with a few simple tips.

Start Using Biotin

Maintaining a healthy diet is one of the best things that you can do for your nails. But it also doesn’t hurt to try some supplements. Biotin is one supplement that will do your nails well because it helps to strengthen and grow your nails so that they can be as healthy as possible. If you take them every single day, your nails will just keep getting stronger.

Don’t Stop Using Polish

You might think that you shouldn’t use polish until your nails get healthy but it really doesn’t hurt your nails to wear polish. It doesn’t hurt to take a break from polish every now and then but it doesn’t have to be a long period of time. When you use nail polish remover, make sure that it’s acetone-free. If you happen to work with your hands, it would be best to use gloves to protect your nails as much as possible. Not only do gloves keep your pretty nails looking beautiful but they will keep the dirt out of them.

Take Care Of Your Cuticles

Your cuticles are there to protect your nails, so you need to make sure you take care of them as well. They need to be cared for so that means that you can’t cut them or push them too far back. You could damage your cuticles if you are too aggressive with them. You don’t want to end up with an infection because you were too rough with your nails. It’s a good idea to always moisture your cuticles and if you don’t have to trim them, then don’t. If you find that your cuticles are red, or swollen and painful, then you might have an infection. Get it checked out immediately.

Keep Your Nails Trimmed

You might think that the best nails to have are long ones, but that’s not always the case. Shorter, more natural-looking nails are the best length for your nails. If you trim your nails regularly, they will grow faster and just have better overall health. Plus, if they are shorter, you have less of a chance of them breaking or snagging. You can keep them trim just by using a fine file to smooth out any edges.

Clean Them Gently

You might think that a rigorous cleaning is the best way to do it but it’s not. You aren’t meant to clean your nails with pointy objects and hard brushes. If you are too rough with your nails, you could end up with a gap between your nail and the nail bed. This can also cause some bacterial infection and that’s the last thing that you want. If you want to clean your nails, always be gentle and use a soft nail brush to clean them.

Use Dish Gloves When You Clean

You can actually weaken your healthy and strong nails if you are always immersing them in hot, soapy water. This dries out your skin and your nails. The best way to keep your nails protected is to wear gloves when you wash the dishes.

Don’t Get So Many Manicures

We all love manicures and it’s always fun to get them. Just don’t overdo it. If you do go to the salon, get them to remove color and simply put a new color on. Avoid acrylic nails because they are not the healthiest choice. There is the risk of skin infections with acrylics so keep things simple. It’s also best to wear sunscreen on your nails and your hands especially if you are getting acrylics and will be under the UV light.

Get Infections Checked Out

If you get a hangnail or a snag, it’s okay to smooth it out. Broken nails can be soothed with a bandage but if you see pus or swelling, you might have an infection. It’s important for you to get any infection checked out by a doctor. There are some over the counter medications that can fight infection but if it doesn’t improve then you have to get medical attention.


Butterfly Decals

A Little Sparkle


Gorgeous Designs

These nails are gorgeous for more than one reason. There is sparkle and shine with everything. With these nails, you can find different styles on each nail.

The Symbolism Behind Butterflies

You might not believe it, but butterflies ate actually symbolic so there is even more reason to try them on your fingers.

Did you know that butterflies are a representation of life? There are cultures that believe that the butterfly is part of our soul. Christians believe that the butterfly is a sign of resurrection and isn’t that a beautiful idea. If looking for a fresh start or a new life is part of what you are after, then you can’t go wrong with these styles. When we think of the butterflies, we think of life, hope and strong endurance. This is a significant meaning so why not find a ton of designs to represent it on your nails.

When we think of the butterfly, there are a ton of stories where the butterfly will represent the passing of a loved one. We also see those butterflies when it comes to overcoming challenges and that makes the story of the butterfly even more special. These wonderful creatures have helped people through heartache, cancer, mental breakdowns and have also been involved with weddings, journeys, life and many celebrations.

Childlike Styles

These are styles that people have been wearing for many years and even kids can enjoy butterflies for what they are. You will love these fun styles that you can share with the child in your life.

Softer Colors

Butterflies always look beautiful with soft and pretty colors. These pink nails are exactly what you need for a spring or summer shade. Try it out and see how much you love it.

There are lots of reasons why you might want to try a butterfly style. There is the symbolism behind it which means that there are lots of special reasons to have butterflies as your choice of style. This is cool and there are so many great styles to choose from.

We hope that you found enough inspiration to find a personal style that you can rock as much as you want.