7 Seven Best Facial Hair Removal Ideas for Women

Your face may be smooth, without wrinkles and adorable, but if you have excess facial hairs, something looks amiss. This is so even if you are on your best hairstyle. This can lead to low self-esteem. Excessive facial hair in women is medically called hirsutism. It affects about 7% of all women. Before you rush to remove those ‘unnecessary’ hairs, take your time to know their cause. Your body might be communicating something important. Some of these diverse factors can cause excessive facial hair in women;

* Diseases like ovarian tumors, colon cancer, and adrenal cancer;

* Some medicines you took like steroids and oral contraceptive pills;

* If you have close relatives with this condition then you are genetically predisposed;

* Obesity and overweight. Excessive body fat leads to insulin resistance which will eventually elevate testosterone.

* Secretion of a high level of androgens during puberty, pregnancy and after menopause.

All these factors have one thing in common: they increase the level of testosterone which is responsible for the excess facial hair you have. Testosterone is a male hormone which promotes masculinity. Women also secrete it, but at a lower concentration.

Whatever the cause of your excess facial hair, these remarkable tips will help you eliminate them.

  1. Shave them off

Although shaving appears harsh and outdated, it is still the best and most famous method used by women with hirsutism worldwide. The myth that the more you shave, the more hair will grow is just that a belief. There is no scientific proof on this subject. After shaving, new hair may feel firmer because you have split the shaft. It does not mean shaving causes dense hair growth. Choose the best disposable razor for this. The best ones come with double blades. Make sure you do not pass the blade more than two times in your skin; otherwise you’ll develop ‘beard bump.’ You can also use eyebrow trimmer if you are not a fan of razors.

  1. Thread them off

This is an ancient method which involves use very taut of double thread; preferably cotton.it is passed over the affected area. The thread plucks the hairs evenly leaving your face soft and smooth. It is more comfortable than tweezers and also less painful.

  1. Consider waxing it

Waxing is very common in the 21st century. It involves the application of soft wax entirely on the affected area and then pulling off with cloth strips. You can also use hard wax which once applied, hardens and pulls off on it own. Some people are allergic to waxing material, so you need to patch test first before doing it.

  1. Pluck them off

When you become conscious of your facial hair, your instinct will choose this method for you. However, plucking it is tiresome and a bit painful. Use clean personal tweezers to avoid infection.

  1. Treat with chemicals

This is the fastest, painless and smart way to remove your facial hair. Apply depilatory cream evenly on the affected area and wait for a few minutes. Then find a dump but clean cloth and remove the hair together with the cream. Many people are allergic to the ingredients of depilatory creams; therefore, remember to patch test before application.

  1. Buy prescription drugs

Hirsutism is a medical condition is treatable with over the counter medicine like Aldactone. They, however, have to be taken regularly.

The primary side effect of these drugs is that they can cause congenital disabilities, so be cautious when you decide to use them.

Another downside of these drugs is that the moment you stop taking them, their effect wears off and the hair returns. An overdose can cause hair falling in areas you have not planned.

  1. Permanently remove them through electrolysis

This is an expensive but permanent method of excess facial hair removal. It involves the use of strong electric current on each hair follicle killing it instantly. This is a very effective method of facial hair removal but is the most painful. A numbing cream can be spread on the skin to reduce the pain.

You need not suffer in silence since hirsutism is treatable or manageable thanks to the current development of science and technology. If you try all these ideas without success, see your doctor for more advice.