6 Signs That Indicate You Might Have Colon Cancer

Each year, around 600 thousand cases of malignant tumors in the large intestine are diagnosed all over the globe. In the United States, it is predicted that rectal cancer will develop in 1 of 16 men and 1 of 17 women. Often the cause of the unfavorable outcome is late diagnosis making. About 70% of patients who are diagnosed with colon cancer see a doctor for the first time only at the last stage of cancer.

Nevertheless, the is no need to be upset, because today you can easily find modern clinics in Germany that offer efficient treatment at any stage of this disease. The cost of treatment in Germany may be higher than in other European countries, but it’s worth it. That’s why now it’s a good time to make the right choice and get colon cancer treatment in Germany.

What are the signs of colon cancer?

Symptoms depend on the location of the tumor, type, degree of spreading and complications. Typical clinical manifestations include:

  1. Presence of pus, mucus, or blood in the stool.
  2. Pain in the perineum, sacrum, tailbone, lower back.
  3. Frequent urge to make use of the toilet.
  4. Feeling of foreign body in the rectum.
  5. Change in the shape of feces, it becomes ribbon-like.
  6. Constipation.

At the early stages of developing colon cancer can be cured in 100% of cases.

The danger is that the colon tumors grow slowly, and a long period of time passes before the first signs may appear. In case you notice one or more symptoms, it is better to contact your general practitioner as soon as possible.

Colonoscopy is a medical examination that is performed to assess the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, the large intestine. It is carried out using a special endoscope device equipped with a sensitive camera and a light source.

How will the treatment be performed

First, you need to undergo medical tests in order to confirm the diagnosis and determine the tactics of further treatment. After that, your attending physician will discuss with you the details of the upcoming treatment. There are the next types of cancer treatment:

Surgery. The main treatment for colon cancer is the surgical one. The type of operation depends on the tumor localization. The purpose of the operation is to remove a segment of the colon with a tumor, as well as lymph nodes into which lymph outflow from the affected part of the intestine occurs. Due to the fact that cancer cells can spread through the lymphatic ducts and enter the lymph nodes, they also should be removed in order to reduce the risk of cancer relapse.

Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy treats cancer with the help of various methods: using tablets, injections, capsules, etc. With this method, tumor cells are destroyed by chemicals agents. Although chemotherapy has side effects like loss of hair, nausea etc. it is one of the treatments that reduces the symptoms of colon cancer.

Radiation therapy. This method of treatment can be used before, during and after surgery. In the first case, it serves to reduce the size of the tumor, in the second – to avoid irradiation of the skin, in the third – to eliminate the remaining cancer cells. Radiation therapy is also used to relieve pain.

Hormone therapy. If oncology is detected, treatment can be hormonal. Typically, this method is used if organs such as the colon and rectum are affected. This therapy is used in combination with other methods and serves to suppress and normalize the production of hormones that affect tumor growth.

What should I do if I have been diagnosed with colon cancer?

If you have been diagnosed with colon cancer, do not panic, just contact the company Booking Health. This company will help you to get colon cancer treatment in Germany, providing medical services in the best clinics in Germany at a comfortable price. Choosing a German hospital will provide you with minimum risk to your health during the therapeutic process. Also, Booking Health can help you with:

  1. Making contact with the desired healthcare provider.
  2. Preparing your examination plan in advance without previous test repetition.
  3. Buying tickets, choosing an apartment and transport.


For most ailments, early identification means early treatment. If you pay attention to the signs mentioned above and get regular checkups, it would be easier to get an early diagnosis. You can also start treatment early to ensure the highest rate of recovery.