5 Signs You Need Emergency Dental Care

You should know by now that routinely going to the dentist is a necessary part of adult life. However, many people still don’t believe that the aches and pains they feel in their mouth are dentist visit worthy. They often leave these problems to fester until their next appointment, which can potentially lead to worse problems.

How do tell when a dental issue needs immediate attention? After all, tooth pain can manifest itself in a degree of ways. Knowing when it is something that needs immediate attention will not only save you suffering, but also save you money in the long run.

A proper diagnosis from your dentist is the best way to get immediate toothache relief and prevent any further damage to your mouth. According to https://vellorewoodsdentistry.com/, the following are just a few ways to identify whether you should seek out emergency dental care.​

  1. You’ve Got A Loose Tooth

As an adult, your teeth have matured to a point where they should be sturdy tools for eating and speaking. They should never be wiggly or loose.

If you notice either of these issues, there are a few problems you may be having. It could be a sign of a tooth injury, which can be extremely painful. A tooth injury can occur during accidents like a car wreck or an impact from sports. If something like this happens, immediately check your teeth to ensure they are still intact and strong.

Even if your teeth seem to be in good shape, you may want to seek emergency services to check for any unseen damage, such as jaw or nerve damage. Both of these injuries require immediate attention so that your condition doesn’t worsen.

Another reason your tooth could be loose is because of a localized infection. To determine whether you have any type of infection, you must seek immediate medical attention. Early treatment can keep the infection from spreading and prevent the tooth from having to be extracted.

​2. Your Toothache Is Severe 

Having a toothache isn’t an immediate sign that you need to visit a dentist. If you feel minor pain in your tooth, there are a number of at-home treatment options you can look to for relief. If they do not improve your symptoms, seek medical care as soon as possible for a proper diagnosis.

Stopping a toothache before it happens is the ideal scenario for patients, but that doesn’t always happen. Habits and lifestyle choices often contribute to the occurrence of toothaches, and, before you know it, they’re out of your control. If pain increases or the tooth becomes more sensitive to touch or temperature, it’s time to call your doctor.

​3. Your Gums Are Bleeding And Ache 

Bleeding gums is often an indicator of gingivitis, which in itself isn’t a reason to seek emergency dental care. However, if you find that your gums bleed excessively and recurring after you brush and floss then it could be a sign of something more serious.

Gum disease can easily be prevented with proper oral care at home. However, keeping up a rigid dental routine can be hard. If your gums are swelling or aching, your dentist will be able to quickly determine the diagnosis.

When you notice these symptoms, you want to catch them quickly as that’s the best way to ensure your teeth and gums stay healthy and intact. Gum disease occurs in stages, so you can even restore your teeth to their healthy state if it’s caught in those early stages.

  1. You Have A Swollen Jaw

If you feel swelling in your jaw then you may have a serious infection. This symptom can indicate a salivary gland infection. Other symptoms of this type of infections include fever, trouble swallowing or breathing, and a bad taste in your mouth. Someone experiencing these symptoms should seek emergency dental services immediately.

An infection of your salivary glands is usually caused by a blockage. This prevents your saliva from doing its job, which is to wash away bacteria and break down food. It’s an uncommon infection. However, it can be very painful and lead to further health problems if left untreated.

  1. Severe Damage to A Tooth

Accidents happen. When these mishaps happen, they can result in small cracks or chips in your teeth. These tiny cracks can typically wait until regular office hours to get these blemishes fixed. However, large fractures or breaks on a tooth are often accompanied with significant pain.

These types of injuries need immediate attention from your nearest emergency dentist. Big breaks on a tooth often result in damage to the inner tissue.

The Bottom Line

An emergency dental visit can be what saves your teeth from aching, and will prevent even worse problems. Be sure to pay attention to what’s going on in your mouth: If anything feels different than normal or you just have reasons to be concerned, set up an appointment with your dentist.