4 Ways to Prepare for a New Training Program as Spring Approaches

You can feel things shifting: warmer weather and spring are approaching. With the temperature change, the time to meet the new year fitness goals you set a few months ago is getting closer, and you’re feeling the pressure.

You’re going to need all the help you can get to meet your fitness goals by the end of the season.

Below, we offer four tips for getting the most out of a new training program, even before you begin.

1. Take Advantage of Providers Who Offer Preventative Care

What’s the best way to treat an injury? Okay, maybe that one’s a trick question, but the answer is more than not gettingĀ  hurt in the first place.

Many injuries that result from running, cross-training, or participation in sports like tennis or soccer, which require quick lateral movement, can be prevented by making sure your feet and ankles are ready for these types of activities.

Providers, like Align Foot & Ankle Center, offer check-ups and assessments. Even if you don’t have a chronic or nagging injury, you can still get checked out and begin your new fitness program with more confidence.

2. Choose A Workout Partner Wisely

The benefits of working out with other people are plenty. Not only do you create social camaraderie and enjoyment from setting goals with others, but you also gain the added benefit of having someone to share your joy with once you achieve your goals.

While it may be tempting to begin a new training program with just anyone, take note that it can sometimes be better to train alone than train with someone who doesn’t share your same goals and discipline. Take your time and tap into your social networks to find the right person (or people) to train with.

Also, no one says that you can only have one workout partner. Maybe you have someone who works with you on speed and agility and someone else who is a perfect partner for long runs. See what works best for both of you and keep open communication on whether the relationship is actually helping you both reach your fitness goals.

Like any relationship, going slow and steady to begin can make a big difference. So even if you’ve found someone to train with, don’t be afraid of blocking out particular days of the week when you’re planning on training alone. Training alone can be beneficial for helping you hear your own voice and tune in more deeply to what your body needs at the moment.

3. Plan Ahead

Setting and meeting fitness goals are like driving with a specific destination in mind. If you were in a new city and wanted to get to a coffee shop that someone recommended, it’s unlikely that you would just get in your car, turn the ignition on, and then hope that you’d find your way there.

More likely, you’d have an address, and with that address, you’d have turn-by-turn directions for how to get there. Creating and meeting fitness goals is the exact same, so it always helps to plan ahead.

If you know what you want to get done each week, then before the week begins, you can look over the plan and prepare; and then, after the weekends, you can look back and see what worked and what might need to change. Once you make the change, don’t forget to keep tracking your progress. And don’t be afraid to make more changes if need be. It’s a process, and paying closer attention to the journey than the destination can help a great deal.

4. Go Easy

The last thing you want to do is push yourself towards injury. Meeting your fitness goals by spring will be a huge milestone, but not at the expense of hurting yourself.

So, you’ll want to know how to care for your body during crunch time and avoid setting yourself back with an injury at all costs.

The number one thing you can do is stretch. We recommend a light warmup before performing any physical activity with a few stretching exercises, a light jog, and jumping jacks.


If you’re ready to begin a new training program and take your fitness goals to a new level as spring approaches, then following these four tips can go a long way toward setting you up for success.

Plan ahead, choose a workout partner wisely, get checked out before you begin so that you can treat injuries even before they occur, and, above all else, avoid straining.

Good luck – you’ve got this!