4 Ways To Get Rid Of Laughing Lines Without Surgery

Have you ever given thought to those smile lines, or wrinkles around the mouth, that almost look like trenches on your face? These laughing lines can age you considerably, and wrinkles along the smile lines indicate the skin has started to lose its natural collagen and elasticity, the lack of which is causing wrinkles.

Don’t get overwhelmed – many women don’t mind aging and consider the smile lines a proud part of the process, but sometimes it’s just annoying when they are all that is visible and the makeup builds in them.

There are a lot of clinical solutions to erase winkles, such as surgery, but they can be expensive, and many involve processes that can often lead to skin damage, scarring and side effects. The good news is there are a lot of great methods you can apply yourself at home, including the following:

get rid of laughing lines

Vitamin masks

Your refrigerator is full of natural ingredients that can be used for facial masks, which provide your skin a healthy dose of vitamins and moisture, reduce laughing lines and keep wrinkles away. For example, avocados provide Vitamin E and as they are soft, they can be used to make a great facial mask at home. To perform this remedy, mash up an avocado, apply it to the face and let it sit about 15-20 minutes before washing off the mixture.

You can also use honey and banana mixture to help firm the skin and minimize the wrinkles and lines. A teaspoon of honey and a medium ripe banana (mashed) is all that’s required. Apply the mixture to your face for about 10-15 minutes before washing it off.

Advanced wrinkle-reducing strips

Advanced wrinkle-reducing strips like AngleLift dermastrips can successfully address facial wrinkles (smile lines, nasoabial folds, smoker lines, marionette lines and more) without surgery or injections. Such solutions rely on soft lifting pressure to lift up the wrinkles and lines. The stripes are placed between your lip and gum/teeth line for 30 minutes a day.

After achieving the desired results, wearing stripes once a week is enough to maintain the youthful appearance. The skin is going to react to consistent lifting by becoming noticeably tighter and smoother. Such solutions have no side effects and are much more effective than serums or creams.

Natural exfoliation

Exfoliation helps to keep your skin fresh and healthy, minimize wrinkles and laughing lines. Exfoliating the skin each week helps in removing dirt and dead skin cells from the face so that pores are not clogged and the skin is better able to absorb vitamins and minerals from moisture.

You can also make a scrub at home for the purpose; take a few tablespoons of baking soda and blend with some water for a paste. Gently scrub this paste on the face in circular motions and clean after a while. You can also create a paste with a teaspoon of honey and sugar by stirring them together and applying it to your face the same way.

Sun screen

One of the most important measures you can take to minimize wrinkles is to prevent sunrays from hitting your face directly, as they can make your skin age prematurely. It is of utmost importance to apply sunscreen when you hit the pool or beach, so use some form of SPF day in and day out in the summers, and even in the winters.

There are a lot of facial moisturizers that are now available with SPF protection and they are sold in a wide range. Apart from applying sunscreen on occasions when you plan to be out in the sun for longer periods, you should consider a hat to minimize the exposure of your face to the sun.