4 Solutions for a Winning Smile

Are you embarrassed to smile in photos? Do your teeth leave you feeling self-conscious? Luckily, whether your teeth are yellowed, damaged, crooked or a combination of the three, there is a solution for you.

  1. Prevention

Having healthy teeth can prevent tooth loss and staining. For the most part, this goes hand in hand with a good-looking smile. Ways to prevent damage and maintain your oral health are:

  • Brushing twice a day and flossing once a day
  • Avoiding sugary or starchy foods and tobacco products
  • Rinsing your mouth with water after eating
  • Receiving regular professional cleanings every 6 months and keeping up with dental work
  1. Straightening

Next time you are watching a movie from before the 80s, take a close look at the actors’ teeth. Many of them are crooked and imperfect. Perfect, straight teeth are a considerably new norm thanks to advancements in modern dentistry. Even more recent, is Invisalign becoming an effective alternative to braces in some cases. Whether braces of Invisalign is right for you depends on a number of factors.


Braces are effective in straightening teeth as well as fixing complex problems that Invisalign can’t such as: fixing large gaps, rotating teeth, and raising and lowering teeth in the jawbone.

A big con of braces is the discomfort. Teeth are sore after tightening, and wires and metal can poke at the insides of your mouth. Also, many adults don’t want braces because they are visible in the mouth and often associated with children and teens.


Invisalign are clear aligners made out of hard plastic that are custom fitted to wear over your teeth. Many adults opt for Invisalign because it is virtually invisible in the mouth. Similar to when braces need tightening, people with Invisalign have to get new impressions made as their teeth shift, which can be painful at first. Some people enjoy the fact Invisalign is removable, but it can be a pain to take it out before you eat. Also, you need to wear it at least 22 hours a day. Failing to do so can be an expensive mistake.

Before putting the time and commitment into straightening treatments, thoroughly research which procedure and dentist are right for you. For more information, you can check out the website for the best dentist in Calgary. 

  1. Whitening

Teeth are not naturally stark white; they are slightly yellow in tint. But, if your teeth are stained to an extreme level, you may want to consider whitening treatment. The following are types of treatment to consider:

  • Whitening toothpastes and mouthwashes can be used daily and are the cheapest, yet least effective option.
  • White strips can lighten a few shades and are available over the counter.
  • At-home professional whitening falls somewhere in between over the counter whitening strips and in-office bleaching. A dentist gives you the product, but you complete the treatment yourself at home. The at-home whitening process consists of placing a custom tray filled with a whitening solution over your teeth.
  • Professional bleaching is the most expensive option, but for good reason—it is the most effective whitening you can receive.
  1. Veneers

Most whitening treatments are only for stains found on the outside of the teeth, usually due to foods, tobacco, and staining drinks. Intrinsic stains are those found inside the teeth that are not so easily fixed.

The most common causes of intrinsic staining are from medication or trauma to the tooth. If this is the case for your teeth, veneers are your best option. Veneers are a thin covering placed directly on the tooth. You can choose your own shade that will look whiter, yet natural.